Canyoning Experience at the Guadalmina River

Andalūzija, Ispanija
Nuo 49 €
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Guadalmina canyoning (next to Marbella) is our most requested canyon trip available during all the year. It is the ideal canyoning for groups of friends, families, team buildings and for those who want to do a half day program (3 hours).
You will learn the basic progression techniques for canyoning accessible to all. This canyon is also adaptable to those who want additional adrenaline experience with jumps up to 7 meters!!! (not obligatory) to deep pools in an idyllic location surrounded by mountains. You will do 6 or 7 jumps during this parcour! Those who still don´t feel daring enough for the small jumps, will be able to opt for a couple of fun toboggans, and abseiling of 5 metres or just swimming along the different pools (…). As we make progress, the gorge will narrow showing us a landscape we could never have imagined.

Į kainą įskaičiuota:

  • Wetsuit Neoprene, Helmet, Arnés, Rapel device, Life Jacket (if you need just tell us and we will provide you a Life Jacket)
  • We will provide you a complete report picture for free.

Canyoning Experience at the Guadalmina River

Kaina asmeniui:
49 €
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